The Day Has Come

Two Homes

Past and future homes

Two homes and the Jeep

Past and future homes and the Jeep











The day has come to say farewell to Rogers Circle in Folsom, CA.  No amount of research or planning can prepare you for leaving your home and friends of 21 years.  Hard does not even come close to describing what it was like to leave the best neighbors a family could ask for.  We have shed tears for many days to come as I do writing this post.  Time will tell if this was the right move for us, but we are confident it is.  We wanted an adventure and boy did we get one.

5 thoughts on “The Day Has Come

  1. Chuck/Sharon Downing

    So sorry to see u go, enjoyed our rides together, look forward to the possibility of future ones & wish the best for both of u. Stay healthy & have safe travels & adventures. Pls drop me a line or phone call periodically with updates to ur travels & adventures. Sharon’s email:. U will certainly be missed & ur friendship greatly appreciated.

  2. János

    We are happy for you, your new life and adventure. I am sure you’ll meet new people and make new friends! Keep us posted on your progress.

  3. Timea Bacsi

    We will miss you! I’m sure you’ll collect lots of memories and meet exciting people. Enjoy your trip! Here’s to new beginnings. Bon Voyage!

  4. Michele Miller

    Happy Trails to you both and Mindy 😉 We look forward to hearing about all your adventures and travels. Best of luck in finding your new home. I know it must be very hard to leave your family and friends, but all of us are wishing you the best going forward. Have safe travels. Love, Michele, Greg, Jon, Caitlin and Nick 🙂

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